Blocks are cleaned, magged and inspected. Guaranteed to clean 
max .040 or .060 bore to available pistons.
Need numbers matching block? Add $200 to these prices
1.8/1797 94-01 B18C1 3.189 #B18C1 BACUB18C1 $350
AMC/JEEP (also see WILLYS)            
2.46/150 83-88 H,U 3.875 #3239448 AMC engine, 7/16 head bolts, by pass in block BAMC2.46E $350
2.46/150 87-90 E,H,Z 3.875 #8933003059, 8933004200 Jeep, by pass in filter, 1/2" head bolts BAMC2.46M $350
2.46/150 91-01 P 3.875 #53008403, 53005532, Jeep, Cherokee, Wrangler & Comanche, center tabs on upper main register BAMC2.46L $350
4.0/242 87-90   3.875 #53005535 Jeep BAMC242 $300
4.0/242 91-95   3.875 #53008405 Jeep BAMC242-405 $300
4.2/258 71-72 A 3.750 #3199962, 14 1/2" bell housing centers,flat back crank, 7/16" head bolts BAMC258 $400
4.2/258 72-76 A,C 3.750 #3218618, 3222380, 3213867, 3218648 15 1/2" bell housing centers, ring back crank, 7/16" head bolts BAMC258E $400
4.2/258 77-80 A,C 3.750 #3227445, 3224098 7/16" head bolts BAMC258M $400
4.2/258 81-85 C 3.750 #3235444 7/16" head bolts BAMC258L716 $400
4.2/258 86-90 C 3.750 #3235444 1/2" head bolts spec. by pass vlv in block or filter BAMC258L $400
5.0/304 71-81   3.750 #3195527 BAMC304-527 $300
5.9/360 71-78   4.080 #3195528 RWD/4WD BAMC360E-528 $350
5.9/360 79-91 N,7 4.080 #3195228 RWD/4WD BAMC360L-228 $300
6.4/390 68-69   4.170 #3190806 7/16" head bolts,flat back cs #798, shrt stk long rod, head#3490808 BAMC390E $800
6.4/390 1970   4.170 #3195529 1/2" head bolts, flat back cs,shrt stk BAMC390L $800
6.6/401 70-76   4.170 #3198951; flat back c/s in 71, ring back 72up BAMC401 $800
BUICK TO 1990            
215 61-63   3.500 #1193724 ALUMINUM V8 BBUK215 $350
3.8/231 75-76   3.800 #1249432 pass & jeep, odd fire #354 c/s BBUK231E $300
3.8/231 82-85 3,8,9 3.800 #25528603, 25520040, 25520042 RWD Grand National Turbo w/ det.sensor in block, oil return hole for turbo. 14 bolt pan BBUK231-T $400
3.8/231 94-95 L,1 3.800 #24502441 FWD, roller lifter, balance shaft,PM main caps, SFI supercharged, L/side detonation sensor BBUK231R-441 $250
3.8/231 95-96 K,1 3.800 #24502287, 1st design series II, roller lifter, balance shaft,PM main caps, both SFI and SFI supercharged heads BBUK231R-287 $250
322 53-56   4.00 #1165165, 1169334 w/integral bell housing BBUK322 $800
350 68-69   3.800 #1382201, Top end oils thru block BBUK350E $400
350 70-71   3.800 #1382201, Top end oils thru push rods BBUK350 $400
350 72-81   3.800 #1241748, 25504744, Top end oils thru push rods BBUK350L $400
401 59-60   4.187 #1185484, nailhead w/integral bell housing BBUK401-1 $500
401 1961   4.187 #1196546, nailhead BBUK401-2 $500
401 62-63   4.187 #1349046, nailhead BBUK401-3 $500
401 64-66   4.187 #1364705, nailhead BBUK401-4 $500
425 1963   4.312 #1354714, 1364707,nailhead BBUK425E $450
425 64-66   4.312 #1364705,1364704, nailhead BBUK425L $450
430 67-69   4.187 #1383424, 1381625 BBUK430 $450
455 70-71   4.310 #1231738,1238861 BBUK455 $450
455 72-76   4.310 #1241735 BBUK455-735 $450
4.6/281 93-08 Y 3.661 #12557805 northstar V/8 BCAD4.6 $350
331 49-51   3.810 #1455100 w/integral bell housing BCAD331 $800
331 52-53   3.810 #1460088, 1460704 w/integral bell housing BCAD331E $800
331 54-55   3.810 #1461476 w/o integral bell housing, cs#473 rod204 BCAD331L $800
365 56-57E   4.00 #1463376, 1464819, 1467267 & flat top pstn, c/s# 340, rod204 BCAD365E $800
365 57L-58   4.00 #1466156 w/head #1468025 & dish pstn BCAD365L $800
390 1959   4.00 #1469230 rear mount dist. BCAD390 $500
390 60-62   4.00 #1473267 early main block, small snout crank, rear mount dist. BCAD390-1 $500
390 1963   400 #1477857 late main block, large snout crank, front mount dist. BCAD390-2 $500
429 64-67   4.130 #1481283, 1482586(1965), .040 max recommend bore,do not csl BCAD429 $500
7.7/472 68-74 S 4.300 #1495200,1486238,1494300 RWD BCAD500 $450
8.0/500 71-76 S 4.300 #1495200,1486238,1494300 RWD BCAD500 $450
2.2/134 90-91 G 3.500 #10068554, 10103566, 10215666 pass, roller cam, std trigger fire ignition, drilled for offset lifter plate BCHV2.2 $250
2.2/134       #90537806 aluminum BCHV2.2-806 $250
2.2/134       #92581110 aluminum BCHV2.2-110 $250
2.2/134 02-08 F  3.386 #22413489 alum. Ecotec DOHC engs BCHV2.2-489 $250
153 62-80   3.875 #3987746 marine & chev ll BCHV153 $300
2.8/173 80-84   3.500 #14033068,14078889,14089818, small main, 16mm fp rod BCHV173E $300
2.8/173 85-93   3.500 #14083370,10065457/59, big main, spec fp hole(85 use 16mm) BCHV173L $250
3.1/191 89-92   3.500 #10065459 FWD & RWD,right hand starter,hyd flat tappet, w/distrubutor or trigger fire reluctor BCHV191-457 $250
3.4/207 97-00   3.620 #10224227 pass+trk, ck cam brg bores for heat & cracks    
216 37-39   3.5 #838941 front plate motor mount BCHV216--941 $400
216 1940   3.5 #839132 front plate motor mount BCHV216-132 $400
216 1941   3.5 #839400 front plate motor mount BCHV216-400 $400
216 42-53   3.500 #839770, 3835253, 3835497 motor mounts on front plate BCHV216E $400
216 52-53   3.500 #3835794, 3835849 motor mount on block side front side BCHV216L $400
3.8/230 63-64   3.875 #3788406 center dip stick, match pedal location BCHV230E $400
3.8/230 65-70   3.875 #3877178, 3850817, 3854036 right rear dip,match clutch pedal location BCHV250E $350
3.8/250     3.875 #855,675,003,466 match dip stick loc and clutch pedal location BCHV250L $350
235 50-55   3.563 spec cast #,doweled mains, solid lifters BCHV235E-S $300
235 1953   3.563 #3701946, 3835946 doweled mains,solid lifters, full pressure oiling BCHV235ES-946 $350
235 50-55   3.563 spec cast #,doweled mains, hyd lifters BCHV235E-H $350
235 56-62   3.563 spec cast #, lug upper mains, solid lifters BCHV235L-S $300
235 56-62   3.563 spec cast #, 004(56-57)=front side mount, lug upper mains, hyd lifters BCHV235LH-004 $350
4.1/250 65-72   3.875 #3877178, 3850817, 3854036, 3994257, right rear dip,match clutch pedal location BCHV250E $300
4.1/250 73-79   3.875 #328575, 2775308 match dip and clutch pedal
BCHV250M $300
4.1/250 73-79   3.875 #348675, 366855, 377127, 93406003. 93403466 match dip and clutch pedal location BCHV250L $300
261 54-55   3.750 #3702436 Chev panel & 1-2 ton truck, early dowelled mains, solid lifters BCHV261E $450
261 56-59   3.750 #3788813, side mount, solid lifters BCHV261M $450
261 60-62   3.750 #3769717 Chev panel & 1-2 ton truck, late 1/2 lug upper mains, front center mount,.full flow or bypass filter oiling, solid or hyd lifters BCHV261L $450
4.3/262 1985   4.00 #14071177 2pc rms crank #1174N, flat tappet BCHV262 $300
4.3/262 1986 Z  4.00 #14088553 1pc rms crank #640, flat tappet BCHV262E $300
4.3/262 88-93 Z 4.00 #10172756, 10105867, 14099073, 14093683, 10066011 roller lifters, w/o bal shft,R-dip, sheet metal TC, NO fpl but can drill w/jig BCHV262R $300
4.3/262 late
80's up
  4.00 #10105867 marine, roller lifters, no bal shaft, R-dip, w/fpl provision BCHV262RM $400
4.3/262 96-00 X,W 4.00 #14099090 truck vortec, roller cam, w/bal.shaft BCHV262-VR $300
265 1955   3.750 #3703524 notched cam block, no motor side motor mounts BCHV265E-524 $350
265 56-57   3.750 #3720991, notched cam block, no side motor mounts BCHV265L-991 $350
283 1957   3.875 #3731548 w/notch cam,early pump, no side motor mounts BCHV283E-548 $300
283 58-63   3.875 #3737739,3849852, 3789935, 3864812, 3959532, steel crank w/o cyl notches, late o/p, w/motor mnts, w/ lifter valley canister  BCHV283M $300
283 64-67   3.875 3849935, 3896944, 3932388, 3556519 w/cast crank & bottom cyl notches to clear BCHV283L $300
283 64-67   3.875 Chev II, NOVA, filter canister is cut away for chassi BCHV283-nova $450
4.8/293 99-06 V 3.779 #12551358, 12567392 V8 ohv truck, LR4 eng. BGMC5.3 $300
302 1967   4.00 #3892657, sm jrnl,  ck c/s cast #,also 327, canister style breather BCHV302E $500
5.0/305 76-79 H 3.736 #460776/7 2pc seal, left dip BCHV305 $200
5.0/305 80-85 H 3.736 #14010201 2pc seal, right dip BCHV305-1 $200
5.0/305 86-87 H,G 3.736 #14088551,14094766,14093627, 14102058, 1pc seal, right dip, spec f/p hole in block, flat tappet BCHV305-2 $250
5.0/305 87-95 F,E 3.736 #14093627, 14102058, 1pc seal, right dip, roller lifter, w/o fp hole BCHV305-3 $250
5.0/305 96-07 M 3.736 # 10243878 Vortec turck & marine, plastic TC w/crank sensor, roller lifter, 2 bolt main BCHV305-4 $300
5.0/307 68-73   3.880 #3932373, big journal cs, 2 bolt main, pass. BCHV307-2 $300
5.3/325 99-06 T 3.779 #12551358, 12567392 V8 ohv truck, LM7 eng. BGMC5.3 $300
5.4/327 62-67   4.00 #3782870,3789817,3959512,3858180,3903352
small journal c/s,canister style filter
BCHV327E $550
327 1967   4.00 #3892657, sm jrnl,  ck c/s cast #,also 302, canister style breather BCHV302E $500
5.4/327 65-67   4.00 #3791362 Chev II, recessed filter base block BCHV327-362 $700
5.4/327 68-69   4.00 #3932386, 3914678, 3794460, 3914660 big journal c/s,can use for 350E BCHV327-L $500
327/350 1969   4.00 #3932388 big jrnl, 2bolt(327) or 4bolt(350) BCHV350E-388 $700
348 58-61 PASS 4.125 #3732811,#3733226 pass block w/o vlv cut out
9.5:1 C/R piston, hyd lifter
BCHV348-E $600
348 61-63 PASS 4.125 #3751872,#3857655 pass block w/o vlv cut out
9.5:1 C/R piston, hyd lifter
BCHV348-L $600
348 58-63 TRK 4.125 #3755011,3788678? Trk block w/vlv cutout in top of cylinder, low-comp. 7.75:1 C/R pst+block BCHV348-T $600
348 58-63 HP 4.125 HP block, 10.5 C/R pstn,F.i., solid lifters BCHV348-HP $999
5.7/350 67-79   4.00 #010, 3956618, 2 bolt main, left dip, w/fp hole BCHV350E-2 $250
5.7/350 67-79   4.00 #010, 4 bolt main, left dip, w/fp hole BCHV350E-4 $350
327/350 1969   4.00 #3932388 big jrnl, 2bolt(327) or 4bolt(350) BCHV350E-388 $700
5.7/350 80-85 6,8 4.00 #14010207, 14010209, 2 bolt main, 2pc seal, right dip, w/fp hole BCHV350L-2 $250
5.7/350 80-85 6,8,M 4.00 #14010207,209, 10066036,086, 14016379, 4 bolt main, 2pc seal, right dip, w/fp hole(#086 crate mtr=L or R dip) BCHV350L-4 $350
5.7/350 86-90 6,8,L,M 4.00 #14088548, 14093638,14011148, 2 bolt main, 1pc seal, right dip, flat tappet, w/fp hole BCHV350L1-2 $250
5.7/350 86-90 6,8,L,M 4.00 #14088548, 14093638,14011148, 4 bolt main, 1pc seal, right dip, flat tappet, w/fp hole BCHV350L1-4 $350
5.7/350 87-95 7,8 4.00 #638,727,880,526,148,  2bolt mains, 1pc seal, roller lifters, right dip, FI/no fp hole, trk=flat tap BCHV350LR-2 $300
5.7/350 87-95 7,8 4.00 #638,727,880,526,148,  4bolt mains, 1pc seal, roller lifters, right dip, FI/no fp hole, trk=flat tap BCHV350LR-4 $400
5.7/350 92-97 P 4.00 #10125327 LT1, 2bolt mains, 1pc seal, roller lifters, reverse flow water pump drive in tc, drives off the cam BCHV350LT1-2 $400
5.7/350 92-97 P 4.00 #10125327 LT1, 4bolt mains, 1pc seal, roller lifters, reverse flow water pump drive in tc, drives off the cam BCHV350LT1-4 $700
5.7/350 96-02 R 4.00 #10243880 Vortec truck, plastic TC, roller cam, 2 bolt main & 4 bolt BCHV350LT-880 $300
6.6/396 65-67   4.093 #3855961, 3855962, 3902406, sm bore, grooved rear cam main, spec 2 or 4 bolt BCHV396-E $700
6.6/396 68-69   4.093 #3926323, 3935440, 3955272 sm bore 396, non-grooved rear cam main, spec 2 or 4 bolt BCHV396-L $700
6.6/400 75-80   4.125 #330817,3951509,3951511 2bolt mains, small block, 6) 1 5/8" side plugs(3per) BCHV400-2 $350
6.6/400 75-80   4.125 #330817,3951509,3951511 4bolt mains, small block, 6) 1 5/8" side plugs(3per) BCHV400-4 $450
6.6/402 70-72   4.125 #3969854, 3999290, 3902466 big bore 396, non-grooved rear cam main BCHV402 $700
427/454 69-76   4.250 #3963512, 2bolt main, 2pc seal, flat tappet BCHV454-2 $500
427/454 69-76   4.250 #3963512, 4bolt main, 2pc seal, flat tappet BCHV454-4 $700
7.4/454 71-79   4.250 #3999289, 361959 2bolt main, 2pc seal, flat tappet BCHV454E-2 $400
7.4/454 71-79   4.250 #3999289, 361959 4bolt main, 2pc seal, flat tappet BCHV454E-4 $600
7.4/454 80-90 Z,W 4.250 #361959,3869942,3916321, 14015445, 10069286, 2bolt, 2pc seal, flat tappet BCHV454L-2 $400
7.4/454 80-90 Z,W 4.250 #361959,3869942,3916321, 14015445, 10069286 4bolt, 2pc seal, flat tappet BCHV454L-4 $600
7.4/454 91-95 N 4.250 #10114182 GEN V, 1pc seal, 2bolt mains, no fp hole, flat tappet cam, 10 bolt time cover BCHV454LV-2 $400
7.4/454 91-00 N 4.250 #10114182 GEN V, Mercury Marine, 1pc seal, 4bolt mains w/windage tray, 6 bolt tc, no fp hole BCHV454LV-4 $600
7.4/454 96-00 J,B 4.250 #10237297 GEN VI, 1pc seal, 4bolt mains, ext.oil cooler holes, spec fp hole, roller cam BCHV454LVI-4 $600
8.1/496 01-05 G 4.250 #12556110, L18/8100 Vortec truck, SUV & marine, 1pc, 4bolt, roller cam, 6bolt time cover,no fuel pump BCHV8.1-4 $600
CHRYSLER & DODGE            
2.7/167 98-02 R 3.336 #4663611 Sebring, Intrepid, 300M, Concord BCRY2.7 $250
201 33-34   3.125 Plymouth, Dodge Trk, Early HG blocks BCRY201E $800
201 35-41   3.125 #632929 Plymouth, Dodge Trk, 4 hole c/s BCRY201L $800
3.5/215 93-97 F 3.780 #4556530,4663458 all except Prowler BCRY3.5E $250
3.5/215 99-00 F 3.780 #4663806AB, all except Prowler BCRY3.5L $250
3.7/225 1960   3.400 #2128418,ci block,#492 steel HD c/s BCRY225 $300
3.7/225 61-67   3.400 #2205528,2202857, ci block,#479 steel cs w/small P.H. trans converter, alternator block BCRY225E $300
3.7/225 68-80   3.400 #2463430,2806830, ci block,#935 steel cs w/ large P.H. wide rods, solid lifters BCRY225L $300
3.7/225 81-87 E,H,J 3.400 cast c/s, narrow rods, hyd lifters BCRY225LC $300
3.7/226 02-07 K 3.662 #53020977 Jeep Liberty, Durango BCRY226 $300
218/230 41-59   3.250 #1484929, 1119729, 1326229, 111908 L-HEAD, truck, passenger & forklift BCRY230LH $500
4.7/287 99-07 N 3.662 #53020661 SOHC Dakota,Cherokee, inc. HO, Girdled mains BCRY4.7 $350
5.2/318 58-61   3.910 1737929,1739429,2129048 flat back c/s, solid lifters BCRY318 $500
5.2/318 62-66   3.910 #2264320,2264370 early hyd lifters, ring back c/s BCRY318E $500
5.2/318 67-76   3.910 #2536030,2806030 narrow 3 3/8" right motor mount BCRY318E-030 $400
5.2/318 75-79   3.910 #4104230,4179730,4006730 wide 3 3/4" right mtr mt. 9" strut boss for A/T BCRY318L $400
5.2/318 80-84   3.910 #4104230,4179730,4006730 wide 3 3/4" right mtr mt. 10" strut boss for A/T BCRY318LL $300
5.2/318 85-90 T,Y 3.910 #4323330, 4387530 Trk, flat or roller lifters, 4 hole filter plate w/round boss BCRY318LR $300
5.2/318 1991 Y 3.910 #4387560, 53009714, roller lifters, 6 hole filter plate w/egg shapped center boss BCRY318LR6 $300
5.2/318 92-01 Y 3.910 #53006657, 53006714, MAGNUM, roller lifters, side center MM, 2 sensor bosses right rear BCRY318MR $350
5.7/360 71-75   4.00 #3418496,3870230; right mtr mt 3 3/8"(narrow) 9" strut boss for A/T BCRY360E $350
5.7/360 75-88 W,1,Z 4.00 #4006830,3870230,4045601,4179930, hyd flat tappet w/top end oiling thru the block, block has oil hole between #1+2 driver side cyl & 3+4 passenger side,  wide 3 3/4" right mtr mt. 10" strut boss for A/T BCRY360M $350
5.7/360 89-90 5,Z 4.00 #4315830, 53006921, RWD & 4WD hyd roller cam w/top end oiling thru the block, block has oil hole between #1+2 driver side cyl & 3+4 passenger side, drilled for lifter spyder on top of cam bearings. 4 hole filter plate w/round boss BCRY360LR1 $350
5.7/360 1991 5,Z 4.00 #53006921, RWD & 4WD hyd roller cross drilled cam w/top end oiling thru the block, block has oil hole between #1+2 driver side cyl & 3+4 passenger side, drilled for lifter spyder on top of cam bearings. 6 hole filter plate w/egg shaped boss BCRY360LR2 $350
5.7/360 1992 Z,5 4.00 #53020006, RWD & 4WD NON Magnum roller w/cross drilled cam, top end oiling through the block, block has oil hole between #1+2 driver side cyl & 3+4 passenger side. 3 bosses above cam brgs drilled for the lifter spyder holder. 6 hole filter plate w/egg shapped boss, side motor mount bosses may not be drilled. BCRY360LRNM $350
5.7/360 93-03 Z,5 4.00 #53020006, RWD & 4WD Magnum roller non cross drilled cam, top end oiling through push rods, not the block. 3 bosses above cam brgs drilled for the lifter spyder holder. w/2 bolt boss @ pass side bell housing for fw & cs sensors, 6 hole filter plate w/egg shapped boss. BCRY360LM $350
6.3/383 65-67   4.25 #2120329,2120429 alternator mount on front, early lifter A812, can use #2468130 if ck vt geometry BCRY383E $450
6.3/383 68-71   4.25 #2468130, late lifter A976 BCRY383L $450
6.6/400 71-72   4.342 #3614230-1; 6 fw hole steel c/s, int bal. BCRY400E $500
6.6/400 73-78   4.342 #3698630, 4006530; pass or truck; match cast #923(ext) or forged steel #129(int) c/s BCRY400L $450
7.2/440 66-72   4.320 #2536439 passenger BCRY440E `
7.2/440 73-84   4.320 #4006630,3830930,3698830 pass & truck BCRY440L $600
7.2/440 73-84   4.320 #4006630,3830930,3698830 pass & truck, with aftermarket ductile iorn 2 bolt caps installed and line bored BCRY440L-AC $1900
CONTINENTAL 4 & 6            
F227     3.313 #F227-605W flat head 6 BCONF227 $500
F244     3.438 #F244A412 flat head 6 BCONF244 $500
5.9/359 89-98 6B,6BTA 4.017 12V head "NEW BLOCK" BCUM5.9 $875
5.9/359 2005 ISB 4.017 ISB 24V head BCUM5.9-ISB $700
1.6/98 70-73   3.188 #2737E, Pinto,Industrial KSG1.6 BFOR1.6-2737E $300
2.0/121 4/97-99 3   #RF978M-Escort,Contour DOHC c.i. blk BFOR2.0 $250
2.0/122 01-04 P   #YS4E-DA Escort Tracer SOHC c.i. blk BFOR2.0-YS4E $250
2.3/140 89-93 M,A 3.780 #E89E-AD pass+ truck, small 2.205 mains BFOR2.3-E89E $300
144 60-63   3.500 #CODE Pass & truck, 1/4" o/p hex drive, 1/4" temp sending unit, fits to 9/63, c/s w/ 2.5" wide center counter balance, solid lifters BFOR144 $300
2.8/170 61-63   3.500 #C1DE Pass & truck, 1/4" o/p hex drive, 1/4" temp sending unit. Fits to 9/63, c/s w 3" wide center counter balance, solid lifters BFOR170 $300
3.3/200 63-65   3.680 #C3OE, C4,C5, 4 main, HYD cam, 1/8" temp send unit, spec o/p hex size, 1 1/2" carb throat head BFOR200-4 $300
3.3/200 65-67   3.680 #C5DE, C6DE, 7 main, HYD cam, short pattern 4 bolt bell housing 1 1/2" carb throat head BFOR200-7E $450
3.3/200 67-69   3.680 #C6DE, C8DE, 7 main, HYD cam, tall double pattern 4 bolt bell housing, works for E & L trans BFOR200-7 $450
3.3/200 69-74   3.680 #C8DE,C9DE-B passenger, 7 main, 1 3/4" carb, not same as 250 BFOR200-C9DE $450
3.3/200 75-79   3.680 Mercury Monarch, Ford Granada, roung bell housing for different trans, passenger, 7 main, 1 3/4" carb   $350
3.3/200 75-80 T 3.680 #D7BE-AA,D8BE-GD, passenger front sump pan, dip stick behind #3 main BFOR200-7L $450
3.3/200 78-83 T 3.680 #D8BE-GD rear sump pan, dip stick at #6 main BFOR200-7LRD $450
3.3/200 80-83 B 3.680 #E1BE-FA rear sump pan,1 3/4" deep transmission pan # D8BP7976AA, C4, PEB auto or std trans.   $450
221 39-41 91A 3.062 #91 on integral bell housing, Flat head V8, 24 studs, dome piston 85HP BFOR221L $800
223 54-60   3.625 #EBP-H/L BFOR223-E $350
223 61-64   3.625 #C1AE,C3AE 1/2" head bolts BFOR223-L $350
226 41-47 1GA 3.300 #1G Flat head 6, WWII trucks & farm equipment, front crab style Prestolite distributor BFOR226-1GA $700
226 48-51 7HA 3.330 #7H Flat head 6, Trucks, Mid distributor & dip stick BFOR226-7HA $700
239 46-48 59A 3.187 #59 on integral bell housing, Flat head V8, 24 studs BFOR59A $500
239 48L-53 8BA 3.187 #8BA,B2123, Flat-head V8, w/o bell housing, late narrow thrust main set  BFOR8BA $500
239 54-55 EBU 3.500 #EBU pass(54) & truck #EBV(54-55) OHV V/8,uses flat back #EBU c/s, 13 tooth cam/dist drive BFOR239-EBU $500
4.1/250 69-80   3.680 #C9DE-B,D2DE-AA,D5DE-AA,D7DE-CA,D8DE-CC,D8BE-JA ( not same as 200) CS# 2H or 2HA; main housing bore 2.590 BFOR250 $250
262 61-63   3.718 C1TE, C3TE truck & Cab over, 1/4" temp sending unit, FP in timing cover BFOR262 $300
262 1964   3.718 C4TE truck & Cab over, 1/4" temp sending unit, FP on block side BFOR262 $300
272 55-57   3.625 #ECG, pass & truck, uses #EC c/s w/flywheel register,side breather left side front BFOR272 $400
4.6/281     3.550   BFOR4.6 $300
292 56-60 LD & HD 3.750 #ECK, ECZ,EDV,EDB,B9AE pass & truck, side breather left side front 1"hole w/2 bolts BFOR292E $500
292 61-64 LD & HD 3.750 #C1AE, C2AE; LD & HD trucks; top breather crank case(thru rear mnfld), some B9AE blocks pad is there but not drilled w/1" hole for side breather left side front.Can use early blocks & plug with freeze plug. BFOR292L $500
4.7/289 63-64   4.00 #C3/C4AE, C3/C4OE, 5 bolt bell housing, early .220 cam thrust plate, dip stick in front cover BFOR289E $500
4.7/289 65-68   4.00 #C5.C6,C8AE,C5,C6,C8OE, 6 bolt bell housing, dip stick in front cover BFOR302E $500
4.9/300 65-76   4.00 C5AE,C6AE,C9AE BFOR300E $300
5.0/302 68-76   4.00 #C7,C8,C9OE, C8AE, C8,C9TE, C8AM, D1MZ-AA dip stick in block BFOR302E $500
5.0/302 68-76   4.00 #D2OE-AB Marine, pan dip stick,OK use C6/C8 BFOR302E $500
5.0/302 75-79   4.00 #D4DE-AA,BA front sump pan    
5.0/302 78-80   4.00 #D9OE-E3A dip stick in block, 2M crank, truck    
5.0/302 78-80   4.00 #D8VE-A3A dip in front cover, 2M crank, passenger, front pass side wing w/acess. Bolt BFOR302-D8VE $400
5.0/302 80-82   4.00 #EOAE-E3A/D3C 1pc rear main seal, 2MAE crank, flat tappet cam BFOR302L-EOAE $300
5.0/302 83-86   4.00 #E5AE-C3B, E6SE-BA, 1pc rear main seal, 2MAE, flat tappet cam, dip in pan or block    
5.0/302 85-91   4.00 #E6SE, E7TE, truck 2MAE crank, dip in block, flat hyd lifters, 7/16 head bolts BFOR302L $350
5.0/302 87-91   4.00 #E7TE, F1SE pass. 2MAE crank, roller lifters. 7/16 head bolts BFOR302L-R $350
312 56-60   3.800 #ECZ, EDB, T-bird, side breather(crank case), big main c/s # ECZ BFOR312 $600
5.4/330 97-00 A,L,M 3.550 #F75E-AC, truck, cross bolt mains(X bolt gusset main),fits both pi & non-pi head apps. BFOR5.4 $350
5.4/330 00-03 A,L,M 3.550 #3L3E, truck, cross bolt mains(X bolt gusset mains) BFOR5.4-3L3E $350
5.8/351C 70-74   4.00 #D0AE, D2AE Clevland 2 bolt main BFOR351C-2 $400
5.8/351C 70-74   4.00 #D0AE, D2AE Clevland 4 bolt main, HP apps BFOR351C-4 $400
5.8/351M 75-82   4.0 See 400 ci    
5.8/351w 69-71   4.00 #C9OE, short deck block (-.020) aftermarket piston caution, 2 bolt mains, passenger BFOR351W-E $425
5.8/351w 71-78   4.00 #D1AE,D2AE,D4AE, regular deck block, 2 bolt mains, pass & truck BFOR351WE-1 $375
5.8/351w 78-8/83 H,G 4.00 #D9AE, 2pc RMS, flanged seal crank, 2 bolt mains BFOR351WE-2 $375
5.8/351w 8/83-88 H,G 4.00 #E3AE,E4AE,E5AE, 1pc seal, no flange crank, non roller blocks, pass=dip in cover or pan, trk= dip in block BFOR351W-L $375
5.8/351w 89-93 H,G 4.00 #E9AE,F0AE 1pc seal, no flange crank, non roller or Ligntening blocks, pass= left dip in block, trk = dip in block    
5.8/351w 94-97 H  4.00 #F4TE truck.dip in block, roller lifters,non lightening blocks    
5.8/351w 93-96 R 4.00 #F0AE-AA Lightning Truck, non roller lifters, GT40 heads    
352 1958   4.00 #EDC BFOR352E $350
352 59-62   4.00 #COME, C1AE-G, recessed head bolts,2bolt motor mounts BFOR352M $350
352 63-67   4.00 #COME,C3AE,C4AE,C5AE,C6ME spec generator mount, 4 bolt motor mounts,recessed head bolts BFOR352L $350
6.4/390 61-63   4.050 #C1,C3,C4AE early cam w/o thrust plate, 2 bolt motor mounts BFOR390E $400
6.4/390 1964   4.050 #C4AE late mains + cam, w/ cam thrust plate, 2 bolt motor mounts BFOR390L-2 $400
6.4/390 64-76   4.050 #C5,C6,C8AE,C6,C7ME,C8ME,D3, D4TE late mains + cam, w/ cam thrust plate, 4 bolt motor mounts BFOR390L-4 $400
6.4/391 64-76   4.050 #C5,C6,C8AE,C6,C7,C8ME,D3, D4TE late mains + cam, w/ cam thrust plate, 4 bolt motor mounts,HD truck,big distributor w/5/16 o/p drive BFOR391 $500
6.6/400 71-74   4.0 #D1AE-A/C passenger BFOR400E $300
6.6/400 75-82   4.0 D4AE-B2A, D7TE-A2B, w/Borg Warner C6 or FMX trans. Top rear trans mounting holes
7 3/4" spacing,front dip in TC
BFOR400L $350
406 62-63   4.130 #C3AE-V, 2bolt motor mounts BFOR406 $700
428 66-70   4.130 #C5AE-A,C6AE-A,C6AE-F; C7ME 4bolt mtr mounts, Comet,Cougar,Mustang,Fairlane BFOR428 $700
7.5/460 68-69   4.360 #C8VY-A C9VE, w/early 2Y crank BFOR460 $400
7.5/460 70-78   4.360 #DOVE, D1VE-A2B, c/s=2YAB w/o porkchop balancer sleeve BFOR460E $400
7.5/460 79-89 L.G 4.360 #D9TE-AB press in dip stick, c/s=3YAB w/porkchop balancer sleeve BFOR460L $400
7.5/460 89-97 G 4.360 #E7TE w/screw in dip stick, 1pc oil pan gasket BFOR460L-E7TE $400
9N/120 39-41 9N 3.187 #9N front mount "crab" distributor, 3speed gear box, gravity fed fuel, no fuel pump hole, oil fill tube on front side, also Jeep & truck in 1941(see Willys) BFTR9N $500
120 1941 9N 3.187 #9C, 9N engine,Truck w/Fuel pump on block side, front "crab" distributor, oil fill tube on front side. BFTR9N-GP $500
2N/120 42-47 2N 3,187 #9N,2N front mount "crab" distributor, oil fill tube on front side, 3speed gear box,civilian BFTR9N $500
8N/120 47-49 8N 3,187 #8N front mount "crab" distributor, oil fill on front side, 4speed gear box BFTR8NE $400
8N/120 50-52 8N 3.187 #8N side mount dist.oil fill tube moved  back from front,  4speed gear box BFTR8NL $500
134 53UP EAF 3.437 #NAA, JUBILEE 500,600,700 SERIES   $500
GMC TRUCK 1939-1980 L6 & V6            
270 39-52   3.781 flat top pistons BGMC270E 400
270 53-55   3.781 #2135412 spec 4 or 6 flywheel crank, dish pistons BGMC270M $400
1.6/1588 99-02 A16 3.110 Daewoo, Lanos DOHC BGMC1.6 $250
3.1/191 89-92   3.500 #10065459 FWD & RWD,right hand starter,hyd flat tappet, w/distrubutor or trigger fire reluctor BCHV191-457 $250
3.4/207 1999          
3.5/214 06-08 L,Z 3.700 #12581558 3.5L GM Corporate V6, crank sensor in pan rail, double reluctor steel crank BCHV3.5 $250
3.6/217 D 7 3.700 1256559 Cad CTS,STS, Buick, PONTIAC G6, Saturn-LY7 eng, DOHC BGMC3.6 $300
2.7/2700 All G1600 4" #AE40-20005, CAT1404,Hyster,Daewoo Forklift, G1600 LPG BHERG1600 $300
2.2/2157 98-01 H22A4 3.425 #P5M, H22A4, Prelude,aluminum bores BHONH22A4 $300
2.3/2254 98-02 F23A1 3.385 #F23A1 Accord BHONF23A1 $175
3.5/3474 99-04 J35A 3.504 #J35A Odyssey, Pilot SOHC BHONJ35A1 $300
5.0/304 58-78   3.875 #217144,R2/R4, side MM, all 304 bare blocks
 interchange, match pistons (emission/flat or contoured) with appropriate heads
BIHT304 $400
5.6/345 72-80 V345A 3.875 #1510258R5 side MM, Flat top pistons, head# 359489, P.U. Trucks BIHT345 $400
6.4/392 62-71   4.125 #151339 w/o improoved cooling BIHT392 $400
6.4/392 72-84   4.125 #434507 w/improoved cooling, extra hole in front block(3) BIHT392-IMPC $500
3.2/3165 92-97 6VD1 3.677 #6VD1 SOHC, Trooper, Rodeo BISU6VD1 $250
3.2/3165 92-95 6VD1 3.677 #6VD1 DOHC, Trooper    
3.2/3165 97-02 6VD1W 3.677 #6VD1W DOHC Amigo, Rodeo BISU6VD1-W $250
3.5/3475 98-02 6VE1 3.677 #6VE1 DOHC Trooper BISU6VE1 $300
3.5/3497 02-06 G6CU 3.661 #35D-G6CU, SORENTO,SEDONA V6 BHYU3.5 $250
430 1958   4.300 #EDG  BLNC430 $450
430 59-60   4.300 #B9ME, W/ h2o divertors behind h2o pump mount pad (1:00 & 11:00) 1 lug main brgs BLNC430-1 $450
430 61-65   4.300 #C1VE,C2VE,2 lug main bearings BLNC430-2 $450
462 66-68   4.380 #C6VE-A BLNC462 $500
1997 83-4/92   3.346 #4G63 DOHC, 6 bolt crank with flanged thrust main bearings, with balance shaft BMIT4G63 $250
1997 08-09   3.346 MIVEC non turbo, DOHC Lancer, 2pc alum. Blk w/C.I. cyl liners BMITMIVEC $400
1.5/1488 79-82 A15 2.992 #A15 car model 210/310 & industrial sweeper BNISA15 $350
2.4/2389 83-89 Z24E+I 3.504 #Z24, pick up, BNISZ24 $200
2.4/2389   KA24DE 3.504 #KA24, spec pass,truck or SUV-MATCH core BNISKA24DE $250
2.4/2389 93-97 KA24DE 3.504 #1E4, FWD Altima BNISKA24DE1E4 $200
3.5/3498 01-06 VQ35DE 3.759 #VQ35 Pathfinder, Quest BNISVQ35 $250
4.0/3954 05-08 VQ40DE 3.759 #VQ40, Murano, Path.Xterra, Frontier BNISVQ40 $300
OLDSMOBILE V8 TO 1990            
303 49-53 1st gen 3.750 #555614, 948, 747 1st generation Rocket block w/ integral bell housing,3 screen holes, OE painted green BOLD303 $700
303 49-52 1st gen 3.750 #555641 1st generation Rocket block w/ integral bell housing, OE painted green BOLD303-641 $700
303 1953 1st gen 3.750 #528 1st generation Rocket block w/ integral bell housing, OE painted green BOLD303-L $700
324 54-46 1st gen 3.875 #568922, 568928 1st generation Rocket block w/ integral bell housing, OE painted green BOLD324 $700
371 57-58 1st gen 4.00 # 568922, 573562 GMC truck "370" 1st generation Rocket block with integral bell housing, Small journal crank #812 with 2.375 mains, Short deck. OE painted gold BOLD31E $700
371 59-60 1st gen 4.00 # 574865. 1st generation Rocket block with integral bell housing, Big Journal crank #544 with 3" mains, Tall deck. OE painted gold BOLD371L $700
394 1960 1st gen 4.125 #578135-4 1/8 1st generation Rocket block w/ integral bell housing    
394 61-63 1st gen 4.125 # 1st generation Rocket block w/ integral bell housing, LC piston painted gold, HC piston painted Red.    
394 1964 1st gen 4.125 #585786-4 1/8 1st generation Rocket block w/ integral bell housing    
330 64-67 1, 1A, SB 3.937 #381917 small block, 45' cam bank angle BOLD330 $500
5.7/350 72-75 R, SB 4.057 #295558 RWD; 7/16 head bolts, small block BOLD350-E $350
5.7/350 76-80 R, SB 4.057 #557752, 554964, 554963 RWD; 1/2" head bolt, small block BOLD350-L $350
6.6/403 77-79 SB 4.351 #557265-4B,554990 recommend .030 max w/torque plate, big bore small block BOLD403 $450
425 65-66   4.125 3892440 w/head # 394548, RWD, except Toronado BOLD425 $600
7.5/455 68-76 BB 4.125 #396021F,231788L big block BOLD455 $450
3.9/236 late 4.236 3.878 #3711335A lip type seal BPRK4236-335 $450
PONTIAC V8 TO 1990            
4.3/265 80-81 S 3.75 #10008073, 10008075 V8 RWD BPON265 $250
5.7/301 77-81 Y,W 4.00 #525934, 10000708, 10009192 no turbo, with detonation sensor BPON301 $300
5.7/301 80-81 T 4,00 #10013690, 10009192 turbo, with detonation sensor BPON301T $350
5.7/350 68-69   3.875 #36133, 9790079  BPON350E $350
5.7/350 70-72   3.875 #488986, 481990, 9799916 BPON350M $350
5.7/350 73-79 M,P 3.875 #500810, 500910, 488986, 1977 up need check crank centering ring size BPON350L $350
389 1959   4.062 #532000, head oil thru block+hollow r/a stud, early style bell housing bolt pattern BPON389 $500
389 1960   4.062 #3536387, head oil thru block+hollow r/a stud, late style bell housing bolt pattern BPON389-1 $500
389 61-63   4.062 #538181, 543680, heads oil thru block+ra stud BPON389-2 $500
389 1964   4.062 #9778155, head oil thru block+hollow r/a stud BPON389-3 $500
389 65-66   4.062 #9778789 w/valve pockets in deck surface, heads oil thru push rods BPON389-4 $500
400 67-69   4.120 #9786133, 9790071, 9792250; 2 bolt mtr mnts. BPON400-E $500
400 70-76   4.120 #481988, 9799914, 487640; 4 bolt mtr mount BPON400 $500
400 75-80   4.120 #500557; 4 bolt mtr mount BPON400L $500
455 70-71   4.150 #9799140; 2 bolt mtr mount BPON455-140 $500
455 1972   4.150 #487638; 3 bolt mtr mount BPON455-638 $500
455 73-76   4.150 #485428, 493482, 500813, 3 bolt mtr mount BPON455L $500
2.2 91-94 EJ22T 3.820 #EJ22 Turbo BSUBEJ22T $350
2.5 99-05 EJ25 3.920 #EJ25 SOHC BSUBEJ25 $200
1.6/1590 91-98 G16KV 2.953 #G16W Geo Tracker,Sidekick, X90,SOHC BSUZ-G16KV $250
2.0/1995 99-03 J20A 3.307 #J20A Vitara DOHC BSUZ-J20A $275
1.5/1497 01-05 INZFE 2.952 #1NZFXE Prius BTOYINZFE $300
2.4/2398 01-08 2AZFE 3.484 #2AZ Camry, Highlander DOHC BTOY2AZFE $300
2.2/2189 75-80 20R 3.480 Pass & truck, right dip stick BTOY20R-R $300
2.2/2189 75-80 20R 3.480 Pass & truck, left dip stick BTOY20R-L $300
2.4/2267 81-84 22R 3.622 Truck & Celica, tall block, dome pst. Left dip BTOY22R $300
2.4/2267 85-95 22RE 3.620 Truck, short deck block, dish piston BTOY22RE $300
2.7/2693 94-99 3RZ 3.740 #3RZ 4 x 4 truck, w/bal.shaft BTOY3RZ $300
3.0/2958 88-95 3VZE 3.445 #3VZ Truck BTOY3VZE $325
3.4/3378 95-04 5VZFE 3.681 #5VZ Truck BTOY5VZE $325
3.9/3878 60-66 F 3.543 #14111-60020 Land Cruiser, shim mains, female snout crank, #2 main drilled cam BTOYF-020 $400
3.9/3878 67-2/69 F 3.543 #14111-60030 Land Cruiser, shim mains, male snout crank, #2 main drilled cam BTOYF-030 $400
3.9/3878 69-8/73 F 3.543 #14111-60031 Land Cruiser & Forklift, late mains with out shims, male snout crank, #2 main drilled cam BTOYF-031 $400
4.2/4230 1975 2F 3.698 #11411-61010 Land Cruiser & Forklift,late mains with out shims, #3 main drilled cam BTOY2F-010 $500
4.2/4230 76-80 2F 3.698 #11411-61011 Land Cruiser & Forklift, late mains with out shims, #3 main drilled cam, Propane Forklift blocks with out fuel pump provision BTOY2F-011 $500
4.2/4230 81-11/84 2F 3.698 #11411-  :Land Cruiser & Forklift, flanged thrust mains, #3 main drilled cam BTOY2F- $500
4.2/4230 11/84-87 2F 3.698 #11411-61014 Land Cruiser, thrust washer block, #3 main drilled cam BTOY2F-014 $500
4.7/4663 98-04 2UZFE 3.701 #2UZ Truck,Landcruiser V8 BTOY2UZFE $400
2.8/2792 92-01 VR6   Eurovan,Colorado,Jetta,Passat,10' V6 blk(1head BVWGVR6 $300
WILLYS JEEP            
120 1941 9N 3.187 #9C, 9N engine,Truck w/Fuel pump on block side, front "crab" distributor, oil fill tube on front side BFTR9N-GP $500
120 39-41 GP 3.187 9N engine,"GP" pre WWII Jeep(gravity fed fuel) no fuel pump hole on side of block, front "crab" distributor, oil fill tube on front side BFTR9N $500
134 41-46 GPW 3.125 #638632, GPW-6015(Ford) L-HEAD chain drive, 4 bolt bell hsg. WWII military Jeep BJEP134LH-E $700
134 46-65   3.125 #641087, 834380 L-HEAD gear drive, 4 bolt bell hsg. BJEP134LH-4 $500
134 46-65   3.125 #908756 L-HEAD gear drive, 10 bolt bell housing BJEP134LH-10 $500
134 50-71   3.125 #646228 F-HEAD, int valves in head, 4 bolt bell housing BJEP134FH-4 $500
134 50-71   3.125 #806279, 807895, F-HEAD, int. valves in head, 10 bolt bell housing BJEP134FH-10 $500